So I finally figured out how to stream radio to my phone. More specifically 1.FM radio. The problem came with the fact that 1.FM uses MMS to stream their radio which would work on most non-java smartphones. Unfortunately I have a u740 Java phone and so it doesn’t work.

So after about 6 months of sporatic work, I finally figured it out. I had to use VLC as a encoder to tranform the MMS stream to a mp4-latm RTP stream. After that, then use Darwin Streaming Server to take the RTP stream from VLC and broadcast it using the RTSP protocol.

So yea, now I can rock away and tell my cell company to take that 7.00/month radio package and shove it.

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Compiling Samba…

I’m working on my DNS 323 to update everything so Debian will take over all control. This includes upgrading Samba. Now installing Samba using the apt-get call to the Debian package library proved unsuccessful, not that it didn’t install it just didn’t run afterwards. The package in the Debian repository is a bit behind in revisions so I figured I’d grab the source from the Samba SVN and compile it. Well after like an hour of compiling it errors out (bah!) with an error basically indicating it can’t find the main() function in one of the script files. Guess it’ll be a work in progress for now.


Screen Rotation on the M200

After upgrading your video drivers on the M200 to something decent, like the Forceware 98.16 drivers, the automatic screen rotation will cease to function. However not having the screen auto-rotate doesn’t spell the end of the world. To correct the orientation of your screen simply press Windows key + X to open the Windows Mobility Center. Once the Windows Mobility Center opens, press the R key until the screen is in the desired orientation.

If you want to change the sequence of the screen rotation, go into your Control Panel and find Tablet PC Settings. Near the bottom of the window there should be a link Go to Orientation, and in there you can change or remove rotation sequences. I’ll also have to suggest that you calibrate your screen, if you haven’t done so already, before you rotate your screen. To calibrate your screen with your pen, press the Calibrate… button in the Table PC Settings window and follow the instruction.