Well it seems my faithful cell provider sadly broke the Internet on their cellular network  again*sigh*. I’m referring back to the previous problem I had with accessing any streaming services on the mobile browser on my Samsung u740 about a year or so ago. They eventually fixed the previous problem after about 1-2 months of me acquiring the phone and reporting the problem. This time around however they’re blaming it on their recent separation from a sister company and that they no longer support streaming on their network. Of course after mowing through several Customer Service Monkeys I eventually discovered that they no longer support their paid streaming, which I could care less about. But the fact that I cannot access current streaming services on the Internet is in fact a problem on their network, but not that they don’t support streaming. At any rate, I was finally able to submit a ticket to their data analysts about a week ago… still no response.

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PHP PhotoGallery + Slimbox 2

I decided to make my own php photo gallery that dynamically renders thumbnails and such, but also uses Slimbox 2 to display the full image.


Installation is easy, just copy and paste the files into your image directory and it will go on it’s own. You can edit the index.php file to change some settings which mainly is just for controlling the images themselves. You can also edit the template.html file in the ‘data’ folder to change the overall look of the page.

I don’t have a demo yet, but I’m working on uploading some pictures now which I’ll use as a demo.


mobile radio

So I finally figured out how to stream radio to my phone. More specifically 1.FM radio. The problem came with the fact that 1.FM uses MMS to stream their radio which would work on most non-java smartphones. Unfortunately I have a u740 Java phone and so it doesn’t work.

So after about 6 months of sporatic work, I finally figured it out. I had to use VLC as a encoder to tranform the MMS stream to a mp4-latm RTP stream. After that, then use Darwin Streaming Server to take the RTP stream from VLC and broadcast it using the RTSP protocol.

So yea, now I can rock away and tell my cell company to take that 7.00/month radio package and shove it.