I found a neat trick to fixing the problem with resuming from standby on the M200 when using updated video drivers.

My setup:

– Windows 7 x86 build 7100

– Forceware 98.16

– Dual Displays enabled (see other posts)

The trick:

After resuming from standby press Fn + F5, the switch display function, twice. This will cause your computer to attempt to switch to the secondary display and then back again to your primary display which will reinitialize your screen.

I haven’t done enough testing on other setups to say that this will work for everyone, I’d imagine that so long as you have the Dual Display trick enabled you should be able to do this.

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Ohhh Cellular-Ma-Fone.

I lost Samsung u740 two days ago and I’ll be honest… I feel mildly useless with out it. I mean I didn’t store anything incredibly important on it besides my contacts, but still! I’ve already run into situations while on the road or away from home where I’ve needed a phone… so terrible. But to top things off, I burnt myself on a Shindaiwa T230 trimmer on the same day!

But on the bright side I bought a HTC Touch Diamond on eBay for like $200, which is pretty damn good considering my retarded cellular company sells them for well over $400. What I did find the most interesting about those retards is they only use the location feature to find your phone in the case of an emergency (normally for the paramedics to find you) and it requires a court order. But I have to wonder… why do I (the owner of the phone) need to have an emergency and a court order to find my own phone? Their response: Wut?

I did however learn something from them about the streaming radio issue I previously had with the Samsung u740. The other cellular company they were partnered with provided an RTSP relay in the network which solved the problem of not being able to use RTSP streaming. Since they are no longer partnered… no more relay, but is my cell company going to fix it? Apparently there is no estimated on a fix for the ‘issue’. Fantastic.


Toshiba M200 + Vista Aero = Awesome

So I’ve done the pain staking (very worth it) process of installing Vista on my epic Toshiba M200 Tablet but for the longest time I couldn’t use Aero. Now as my last statement suggests, yes I found a way to run Aero… semi stable (see the list of things that I’ve noticed crash Aero).

To do so I needed:

So first up, I uninstalled my current drivers using the Control Panel, restarted and then ran Nasty File Remover (see below for how I had mine setup)

as you can tell, Aero is running... taken after I did this
as you can tell, Aero is running... taken after I did this

After I did that I downloaded and extracted the nVIDIA ForceWare 98.16 drivers from above to my desktop and copied the modded nvgm.inf to the folder (had to overwrite the existing one). Once it was copied I ran the setup.exe in the folder and restarted my computer. Once my computer was back up and running I started the Desktop Window Manager Session Manager in the Windows Services and applied the Aero effect in the Window Color and Appearance option in Personalize.

I decided to run a Windows Experience Index test to see how my stats improved and I was quite pleased, Gaming Graphics went from 1.0 to 2.3 although Graphics stayed at 1.0.

Windows Experience Index

Things I’ve noticed that crash Aero:

  • Opening some programs in full screen
  • Opening Windows Media Player
  • Opening Paint (yes… mspaint)
  • Going to My Pictures (probably due to thumbnails)

I’ve noticed it flickers sometimes on and off when opening some things, but if it ever crashes I can minimize all my windows then go into the Windows Services and restart the Desktop Window Manager Session Manager. To help improve its stability I went to the Performace under Advanced system settings and toggled Adjust for best performance then checked off Use visual styles on windows and buttons. I had to minimize all my windows and restart the Desktop Window Manager Session Manager to get Aero back but it’s now running fairly well.

Here’s a screenshot of Aero Glass running at 1400 x 1050 @ 32bit color on the Toshiba M200

M200 Aero Demo

As a side note, one may ask why I’m not using the latest 179.xx Forceware drivers and well the answer to that is simple: they don’t work (I tried them). What I may try next are the ~100.xx  Forceware drivers to see if they can add more stability, but for now I’m pleasde with what I have at the moment.