I found a neat trick to fixing the problem with resuming from standby on the M200 when using updated video drivers.

My setup:

– Windows 7 x86 build 7100

– Forceware 98.16

– Dual Displays enabled (see other posts)

The trick:

After resuming from standby press Fn + F5, the switch display function, twice. This will cause your computer to attempt to switch to the secondary display and then back again to your primary display which will reinitialize your screen.

I haven’t done enough testing on other setups to say that this will work for everyone, I’d imagine that so long as you have the Dual Display trick enabled you should be able to do this.

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Oops… they did it again.

Well it seems my faithful cell provider sadly broke the Internet on their cellular network  again*sigh*. I’m referring back to the previous problem I had with accessing any streaming services on the mobile browser on my Samsung u740 about a year or so ago. They eventually fixed the previous problem after about 1-2 months of me acquiring the phone and reporting the problem. This time around however they’re blaming it on their recent separation from a sister company and that they no longer support streaming on their network. Of course after mowing through several Customer Service Monkeys I eventually discovered that they no longer support their paid streaming, which I could care less about. But the fact that I cannot access current streaming services on the Internet is in fact a problem on their network, but not that they don’t support streaming. At any rate, I was finally able to submit a ticket to their data analysts about a week ago… still no response.