I’m working on my DNS 323 to update everything so Debian will take over all control. This includes upgrading Samba. Now installing Samba using the apt-get call to the Debian package library proved unsuccessful, not that it didn’t install it just didn’t run afterwards. The package in the Debian repository is a bit behind in revisions so I figured I’d grab the source from the Samba SVN and compile it. Well after like an hour of compiling it errors out (bah!) with an error basically indicating it can’t find the main() function in one of the script files. Guess it’ll be a work in progress for now.
Vista User Backup Script
For those of us who have to re-image computers on a regular basis for people, we know backing up files can sometimes be a slow and painful process. So I decided to make this simple backup script out of VB Script that makes the process a ton easier.
Basically what it does is scans through the folders in the current user directory (ie: you copy the script to C:\Users\Bob) and any directory that is not a junction it starts a Robocopy instance that recursively copies all the files in that folder to a backup folder specified at the beginning of the script. When you first run the script you’ll see probably 10 Robocopy windows to start and they’ll all eventually close once they’re done.
Can it work with XP? Probably, since XP doesn’t have junction points then it would just copy all the folders anyway.
SSH Tunnel Tutorial
Well I finally finished my SSH Tunnel tutorial, please feel free to check it out near the top right of the page or right here: How to make your own SSH tunnel.
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