I’ve already written a few articles about my tablet laptop, the Toshiba M200, and I’ve been incredible impressed by it’s durability, adaptability, and overall functionality. So what have I forced it to do now? What other feat has the M200 surpassed? Two words: Windows 7. I decided to install Windows 7 RC 1 on my tablet for a few reasons, including: It’s free, … it’s free, and… I have a SSD. So far I’m quite impressed at the tablet’s ability to run Windows 7; the actions are very smooth, it’s responsive, fast in booting up and loading applications. The only thing I’ve noticed so far is that Aero doesn’t work at all, even if I try forcing it to start Aero I end up having to reboot as the screen just gets stuck in an endless flicker. But I can live with no Aero, considering it’s overall functionality is awesome.

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PHP PhotoGallery + Slimbox 2

I decided to make my own php photo gallery that dynamically renders thumbnails and such, but also uses Slimbox 2 to display the full image.


Installation is easy, just copy and paste the files into your image directory and it will go on it’s own. You can edit the index.php file to change some settings which mainly is just for controlling the images themselves. You can also edit the template.html file in the ‘data’ folder to change the overall look of the page.

I don’t have a demo yet, but I’m working on uploading some pictures now which I’ll use as a demo.


Computer woes.

So to celebrate me getting a new motherboard/CPU/Memory combo I decided to top it off with my new Coolmaster Case which I got in the mail yesterday. Being all nice and prep’d to get this new case all together I drove right into moving my parts over… but I decided to leave my memory and CPU on the board as I moved it (my mistake). Well thanks to the weight of my 8 GB of memory and the CPU heatsink I bloody well broke my old motherboard (new one yet needs to be sent in for RMA) while I was holding it.  So now I’m with out my awesome setup until I get my new motherboard back from NCIX, but on the bright side at least the new case turned out really cool as well.