So to celebrate me getting a new motherboard/CPU/Memory combo I decided to top it off with my new Coolmaster Case which I got in the mail yesterday. Being all nice and prep’d to get this new case all together I drove right into moving my parts over… but I decided to leave my memory and CPU on the board as I moved it (my mistake). Well thanks to the weight of my 8 GB of memory and the CPU heatsink I bloody well broke my old motherboard (new one yet needs to be sent in for RMA) while I was holding it.  So now I’m with out my awesome setup until I get my new motherboard back from NCIX, but on the bright side at least the new case turned out really cool as well.

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mobile radio

So I finally figured out how to stream radio to my phone. More specifically 1.FM radio. The problem came with the fact that 1.FM uses MMS to stream their radio which would work on most non-java smartphones. Unfortunately I have a u740 Java phone and so it doesn’t work.

So after about 6 months of sporatic work, I finally figured it out. I had to use VLC as a encoder to tranform the MMS stream to a mp4-latm RTP stream. After that, then use Darwin Streaming Server to take the RTP stream from VLC and broadcast it using the RTSP protocol.

So yea, now I can rock away and tell my cell company to take that 7.00/month radio package and shove it.


PC Woes

So conveniently on the day after I lose my phone my computer’s Hard Drive dies, there goes 130GB of personal data. Although I did make a recent backup since I had to send in my motherboard for repair which only came back to me about a week prior. At the moment I’m running my desktop computer with an old old old… old 80GB Maxtor drive which I figured I’d use to try Windows 7 RC while I wait for my hard drive to come back.

So what are my first impressions of Windows 7?

Well… it’s very… blue. I changed as much of the colors that as I could the second the install finished. But so far it seems decent, although my old HDD isn’t attributing anything good to the overall performance. What are my performance ratings?

Processor: 7.3

Memory: 7.5

Aero GFX: 6.1

Gaming GFX: 6.1

HDD: 4.3  (awww……)

Anyway I’ll see how much of it all improves when I get my other HDD back.