I lost Samsung u740 two days ago and I’ll be honest… I feel mildly useless with out it. I mean I didn’t store anything incredibly important on it besides my contacts, but still! I’ve already run into situations while on the road or away from home where I’ve needed a phone… so terrible. But to top things off, I burnt myself on a Shindaiwa T230 trimmer on the same day!

But on the bright side I bought a HTC Touch Diamond on eBay for like $200, which is pretty damn good considering my retarded cellular company sells them for well over $400. What I did find the most interesting about those retards is they only use the location feature to find your phone in the case of an emergency (normally for the paramedics to find you) and it requires a court order. But I have to wonder… why do I (the owner of the phone) need to have an emergency and a court order to find my own phone? Their response: Wut?

I did however learn something from them about the streaming radio issue I previously had with the Samsung u740. The other cellular company they were partnered with provided an RTSP relay in the network which solved the problem of not being able to use RTSP streaming. Since they are no longer partnered… no more relay, but is my cell company going to fix it? Apparently there is no estimated on a fix for the ‘issue’. Fantastic.

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Phenom X2 955 + 8GB PC2-8500 = Win

Well I decided to get an upgrade for my current AMD Phenom 9600 setup, and that upgrade was a new Phenom X2 955 processor, 8GB of OCZ Reaper PC2-8500 memory, and ASUS M4A79 Deluxe motherboard. Now I’m currently actually using my old ASUS M3A32-MVP motherboard because the new M4A79 needs to be sent back for RMA (which made me sad). I also ordered a new printer and case for this setup so I can’t wait for that to get here as well.

But so far I’m very impressed with the results compared to the 9600. As an example, in WoW while in Dalaran my screen would stutter and freeze with an FPS 12-20 at any GFX setting. This was common through a lot of my games, where I could set the GFX settings pretty much as high or as low as they’d go and I’d still get the same FPS. This was caused by the fix for the error in the translation lookaside buffer (TLB) and L3 cache of the processor which made it suffer huge performance losses. But now with this new X2 processor I can easily fly through Dalaran with 40-70 FPS and no lag and that’s with only one of my two ATI 3870’s in the rig.

Can’t wait to see what else I can easily do.



Oh yes, 60Hz, my favorite vertical refresh rate, but why I wonder?

Well for starters it’s the best and easiest way to get a headache. I have a 52 inch Sharp LCD TV (LC52D64U) and it’s max refresh rate at 1920×1080 is 60Hz, which makes it fantastic to watch while playing anything high definition. Since I use it as a monitor, and the only way it looks decent is at 1080p, I’m currently stuck at 60Hz.

So I suppose it’s time to buy another TV… or an actual monitor for the mean time.