For those of us who have to re-image computers on a regular basis for people, we know backing up files can sometimes be a slow and painful process. So I decided to make this simple backup script out of VB Script that makes the process a ton easier.

Basically what it does is scans through the folders in the current user directory (ie: you copy the script to C:\Users\Bob) and any directory that is not a junction it starts a Robocopy instance that recursively copies all the files in that folder to a backup folder specified at the beginning of the script. When you first run the script you’ll see probably 10 Robocopy windows to start and they’ll all eventually close once they’re done.


Can it work with XP? Probably, since XP doesn’t have junction points then it would just copy all the folders anyway.

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Bulk Add IP Addresses

I do a lot of local development with Internet Information Services and either ColdFusion, PHP or and for the longest time I would actually run the websites on separate ports on

Unfortunately running multiple websites on various other ports causes some issues like:

  • Port conflicts with other programs
  • Remembering which port is used for what website
  • Causes problems with some websites that look for port 80
  • Doesn’t really work with SSL (port 443)

So what I started doing was running my websites on separate private IP addresses which are local to my machine only, and this worked GREAT! I could load up websitexyz, bind it to IP, setup SSL to work on port 443 for and I would go about my business.

The only downside was when I would run out of IP addresses, because I would only add about 5 to 10 IPs at a time to my local loopback adapter. It is a bit of a pain in the butt to add a bunch of IP addresses in Windows, so it would take me a bit of time to do this everytime I needed more IPs.

That was until I ran into a small batch script which can add as many IP addresses as I want in a range.

Here’s the code:

FOR /L %A IN (41,1,100) DO netsh interface ipv4 add address “ColdFusion-IIS” 1.1.1.%A

Simply copy that into either a command prompt or a .bat file and run it to add as many IP addresses in a range that you want.

Here’s the break down of the script:


If we take a look at my script above we see that

  • START = 41
  • END = 100
  • IPMASK = 1.1.1.%A
  • SUBNET =

What this basically equates to is adding to to my network adapter called ColdFusion-IIS.
It is a super handy script and saved me a bunch of time, I would recommend it 10/10 for local development.